The International Baccalaureate defines the different disciplines that make up the Sciences in the following way:

Biology: Is the study of life. Biologists attempt to understand the living world at all levels, employing many different approaches and innumerable techniques. At one end of the scale is the cell, its molecular structure, and the complex metabolic reactions that take place there. At the other end of the scale, biologists investigate the interactions that regulate the functioning of entire ecosystems.

Physics: Is the most fundamental of the experimental sciences, as it tries to give an explanation of the universe itself, from the smallest particles that constitute it (quarks, perhaps fundamental in the true sense of the word) to the enormous intergalactic distances.

Chemistry: Is an experimental science that combines academic study with the acquisition of practical and research skills. It is known as “a fundamental science” because chemical principles are the basis of the physical environment in which we live and of all biological systems.

Environmental Systems and Societies: Is firmly rooted both in a scientific exploration of environmental systems in terms of their structure and function, and in the exploration of the cultural, economic, ethical, political and social interactions of societies with the environment.


Head of area: Carolina Cifuentes


Carolina Cifuentes

Cristina Barboza

Rebeca Droguett

Federico Márquez

Caterine Santillán

Camila Schmiede

Pablo Ignacio Tello

Pamela Urra

Valentina Bunster

Pilar Swett

Steffan Villablanca

Matheus Reyes

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