Santiago College was founded in 1880 and ten years later the first Alumni Association board of directors was instituted, formed by the first six graduates. It was presided over by Maggie Keil during the long and fruitful leadership of Mrs. Adelaida La Fetra. On the 100th anniversary of Santiago College, the first men graduated and were joyfully welcomed into the Alumni Association.
The main objectives of the association are to cultivate a sense of community among alumni, verify the school’s traditions are continued and ensure the school’s continuous improvement. Among the responsibilities of the association’s board of directors is to appoint three of the nine members of the Santiago College Educational Foundation’s Board of Governors.
The main focus of the activities organized by the association is the participation and integration of SC alumni. These have had an important development in social action, sports activities (mainly rugby and field hockey), tutoring, and community activities such as art exhibitions and bazaars for entrepreneurs. Within social action, various initiatives stand out, such as support for struggling day-care centers and scholarships for SC students. Alumni Association embraces the aspiration of our founders to be factors of positive change in society. These charitable activities are financed mainly through food sales, specific campaigns, membership fees and funds generated from sports activities.
Oscar Melo Contreras: Class of 1986 (second generation SC); U. Católica (Agronomist Engineer); U. of Maryland (M.Sc., Ph.D.); Professor, Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry Engineering, Catholic University.
Leslie Cooper Allan: Class of 1972. BA in Economics TWU; Master of Arts in Economics University of North Texas; Founding Partner HK Human Capital; Director of the Chilean Olympic Committee.
Rodrigo Jaimovich Fernández: Class of 1992. U. de Chile (Medicine); Nuclear Medicine (U. de Chile), U. Católica (Medical Education), Active member of the Chilean Nuclear Medicine Society.
Martin Mois Freiwirth: Class of 1993 (second generation SC). U. de Chile (LL.M. 1999); University of Pennsylvania (LL.M. 2008); partner of Aninat Abogados.
Daniela Merino López: Class of 2002. Universidad del Pacífico (Public Relations – Licenciada en Comunicación Social). Asesora de Gabinete, Municipalidad de Lo Barnechea.
Alejandra Arteaga Urzúa: Class of 1992. Universidad del Pacífico (Graphic Designer). Assistant Marketing and Corporate Affairs Manager at Inmobiliaria Exxacon.
Lorena Rutllant Cifuentes: Class of 1992. Universidad Católica (Architect). Works at Alumni Social Service.
Carmen Figueroa Deisler: Class of 1979. Pontificia Universidad Católica (Lawyer). London School of Economics (LLM International Finance Law).
Carla Hales De La Fuente: Class of 1998, (second generation SC).
Rodrigo Laoutari: Class of 1993. U. Tecnológica Vicente Pérez Rosales (Civil Engineer in Sound and Acoustics). Director of infrastructure and projects at NOOIZZ.
Pilar Letelier Cáceres: Class of 2001. Universidad de los Andes (Dental Surgeon).
Teresa Youlton: Class of 1979. U. de Chile (Commercial Engineering). Partner of Youlton & Ganderats. Pontificia Universidad Católica (Executive Coach Diploma).
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