Every day, there is a greater awareness about the importance of protecting the environment. In this context, the compromise and active role of each one of us to contribute in taking care of the planet becomes more relevant. The campaign to collect eco bottles at Santiago College comes back this year and the goal is to exceed the amount gathered in 2020. The invitation is to continue participating with enthusiasm in this initiative, that allows turning plastic waste into urban furniture for social solutions.
During the second week of March, the first 139 bottles of this year where delivered. This time was special, as representatives of Fundación Revalora, NGO that turns this bottles into construction material, not only came to take our bottles, but they also left something in return as a token of appreciation for the active participation of Santiago College´s community in this campaign: a picnic table made up of eco tables, produced with the plastic from the bottles we help to collect.
So far, SC has contributed with about 1650 eco bottles since 2019 and the idea is to continue working so this number may grow. Derrick Allen, Middle School Assistant Principal and who is also in charge of environment at SC, explains that the aim is to show and live an environmental culture that is sustainable in our habits and daily actions. This year, due to the pandemic Covid-19 scenario we are living, the idea is to encourage recycling at home and regarding the eco bottles, that students may bring them ready and they will be gather in special points set out around the school.
Eco bottle is an initiative from Revalora that is demarcate within a program of environmental education and plastic sustainable recycling, achieving with this the production of new constructive material that allows the improvement of vulnerable spaces.
Plastic wastes turn into eco bottles
¿Do you want to learn how to make an ecobottle o do you need to remember some of the steps to do it?